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Pascal Private English School

The largest primary and secondary education provider in CY

PASCAL School is
• Recognized by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth
• Cambridge Assessment International Education centers
• Pearson Edexcel centers
• IB World Schools

Top tier strategy for your education investment of next generation
If you select PASCAL School, advance can attack and retreat can defend. If you select advance, you will have opportunity to be admitted by QS 100 ranking famous universities all over the world. If you select retreat, you will be highly probable be admitted by Chinese 985 famous universities by take part in JEOCS (Joint Examination for Overseas Chinese Students). 

Pascal International High School: Quote

Prolestia Limited 

Registration no HE 423857

51A Athalassis Avenue, 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus

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Prolestia Business Consulting (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.

Phone: +86 180 7518 4306
Address: Room A060, Room 801, No. 169 Haibin Road, Nansha Street, Nansha District, Guangzhou, P. R. China


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